Wednesday, 13 April 2011

My new blog

So I've started a new blog.  You'll have to wait a while 'til I get used to the presentation and fonts and whatever, but I figured I'd start with the content already.

I've had muchos blogs before, in this (my actual) name and others.  I suppose I'm starting another one in case there are people who want to know what is going on and what I think who don't feel that my twitter and facebook feeds are giving them enough John Stevens for their buck.

I'll write about my walk with God, and about what I learn, and probably about my frustrations, and probably also about football, although you should note that when I write about football it will be from a point of near complete ignorance, given that whilst my library of football books makes your's look completely inadequate, and I've forgotten more about Italia 90 than you've ever known, I don't even have a television, let alone a subscription to BSkyB, and hence never actually watch any football at all.  So pinch of salt there ...

In terms of christian stuff, Stella (my fair wife) and I have just got rid of our television in response to my recognition (my very slo-o-o-w recognition) that having a talking box (or talking rectangle, given the dimensions of modern TVs) in the corner of the living room that dispenses wisdom and idiocy from the world is perhaps not the right way to be living as a Christian.  Truth be told, we are in the midst of allowing God to change the way we have become: professing to be Christians yet waist deep (neck deep) in the ways of the world.  It is no longer possible for me to live my life in near enough the same way as everyone else in the world and expect to see breakthrough in my relationship with God.

So changes are being made.  I don't know how often I'll post, it might be a lot, it might not be a lot.  I'm not great with links or photos or anything, so it'll mostly be verbiage.  I can't write, by the way.  I'm sure you'll think I'm doing myself down, I can write reports or essays and stuff, but I can't write blogs or articles or fiction.  Not many people can; You probably can't.  No offence.  My friend Dan can, you can easily tell the difference.

So there you go: overlong verbiage, desperate attempts to show off vocabulary, spiritual honesty, no good links or pictures.

ps If you don't know me, and this is like your introduction to me, I also have a son called Josiah John who is nearly 15 months old and totally amazing, and another yet-to-be-born child, who will also have a name that you will want to steal because it's so splendid.

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